Opinion: Note to GOP: 'History will revile you'
The Republicans have a lock on the government. But they have a president who knows little about anything and cares less. He is not a Republican in any sense, except he has attached himself to the covert racism and class warfare that had been infiltrating Republican Party ranks for the last 20 years.
Painter Surprised at London Legal Writer's Meeting
“It was a total surprise, and of course a great honor, to be listed among the six best judicial writers, even though I am now retired from that endeavor,” Painter said upon his return from London.
Opinion: Uh, sorry, President Trump, you cannot pardon yourself
This week, our president took to his favorite means of communication, Twitter, and claimed, “As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong?”
Opinion: We are consumed by gobbledygook
[L]et’s take a break from the depressing news and discuss the more interesting topic of writing, or more properly, conveying information."
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Opinion: Loony is the new normal in Trumpland
Trumpland is just as craxy as Alice’s Wonderland but the ever-changing cast of characters there are regrettably all too real.
read more…Stop the presses! Trump tells the truth
President Trump spoke the truth when he announced to his wealthy companions, "You all just got a lot richer" with passage of the GOP tax bill.
read more…Congress’ tax bill is tax fraud
There are good parts to the tax bill in Congress, but adding to the national debt by hurting the poor and enriching the ultrarich far outweighs that good.
read more…Former judge Mark Painter joins Downtown law firm
Painter joined Helmer, Martin, Rice and Popham on Aug. 1, the firm accounced.
read more…Trump pouring gasoline on climate change fire